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D-Link DWL-G520
From NDISWrapper
==D-Link AirPlus Xtreme G DWL-G520 Wireless PCI Adapter (rev. B)
- Chipset: Atheros Communications, Inc. AR5212 802.11abg NIC (rev 01)
- pciid: 168c:0013 (rev 01)
- Driver: Tested drivers up to 3.17 - all problematic
- Driver: ftp://ftp.dlink.it/pub/Wireless%20Extreme%20G/DWL-G520_(108Mbps)/Driver/4.30/D-Link_AirPlus_XtremeG_Utility_(V4.3_Build50406)_G520_WPA2_ww.zip
This is an American DWL-G520 - distinct from the G520+ distributed outside the states.
Always disconnects after a few hours (days at most). Connection cannot be restarted without a reboot. Note, same failure occurs with
Driverloader; Linuxant unable/unwilling to fix (2/10/05).
Works OK with ndiswrapper 1.8 on Ubuntu Dapper Beta with NetworkManager 0.6.2.
No signal strength indication. WPA2PSK encryption working.
Works with WEP and WPA with TKIP cipher