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Asus WL-107G

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Asus WL-107G, 54mbps Cardbus PCMCIA

  • Chipset: RaLink RT2500
  • pciid: 1814:0201. Should work for any rt2500-based PCI/PCMCIA/MiniPCI card listed here
  • Driver: Ralink's own windows executable version or extracted and re-tarballed


Perfect WPA (Proper security)! Ndiswrapper 1.21 (latest stable), Debian Etch (linux 2.6.16). LED reversal problem fixed (now led is lit only for traffic). Consistent, stable 1.3MB/s with WPA! BTW, I've diffed the win2k and winXP drivers, and they're identical. 20060724.

Ndiswrapper 1.7, Fedora Core 4. The download driver zipfile is unpackaged for easy install, worked without any problems whatsoever using the basic installation steps. Card has zero errors of any sort after 4.5million RX and 2.8million TX packets, WEP 128bit in Managed mode with a Linksys WRT54G. Traffic LED is reversed (problem exists with RT2x00 project drivers as well).