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Tim Tebow Jameis Winston “The Hunting Ground”

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The NFL embraces Jameis Winston and shuns Tim Tebow. Worse, it considers Tebow Fans to be delusional undesirables.

The CNN Movie "The Hunting Ground" airing tonight at 8 will begin to put in stark light who actually has been delusional. And undesirable.

The sides are already squaring off. And it all is a sign of something to come that’s already begun.

The NFL is losing Women and replacing them with Men. And as those Men are quite probably not Fans of Tim Tebow what’s happening to the NFL is getting real clear. It’s appealing to Guys who get off watching Guys who abuse Women. I could try to come up with a nicer way of putting it but it wouldn’t change anything.

Whether it’s male backlash against what many feel is Feminism run amok or as some think the last bastion of unbridled machismo, the numbers are telling a pretty clear tale. The Off-Field Scandals that have driven Women away in huge numbers is attracting Men almost as fast.

Noone in their right mind would defend the quality of Play lately in the NFL. In fact more articles are popping up speculating on whether or not it’s the worst ever in the NFL. That’s not what’s attracting them.

It’s that the league that is all too eager to chase Tim Tebow and in particular his Fans away proudly dons their Greg Hardy and Jameis Winston jerseys, calls them Leaders and Stars. In the process it attracts Guys who are repelled by All American Boy-Next-Door Tebow with his just too good to be really trusted persona and entourage of all-too camera ready crippled kids and something just not right about them Fans. Guys who are attracted to real-life Men who aren’t afraid to say "She wanted it". (Or she had it coming.)

The League of Predators is attracting Guys who like them and running everyone else off with a clear message we were doing just fine without you.

The NFL is becoming a League that that says it’s stupid to like Tim Tebow. And Shut Up Bitch!

So what to do about it? Folks this is alot simpler than it seems. Take Back the Game of Football. I’ve been at this awhile and what I’ve found is People love the Game of Football and tolerate the crap those who run it have encouraged. I have spent years saying to those Football People "Fix this Game while you still can". They’ve refused. It is as simple as that. It’s not that they can’t. They just won’t. So now it’s our time.

It’s our time to take the Game away from those who have turned it into a cesspool. And that is exactly what we’re going to do. I hope Fans of Tim Tebow join in that effort. But if they do or if they don’t, that’s what we’re going to do.

Here’s our first step.

As Y’all know I have spent years putting together a Global Marketing Network. The Black Bears Football Bears alone will have tens of millions of Marketers, Sales & Customer Support and Technology People at the ready. I’m putting them to work changing the nature of Professional Sports Worldwide. We will be implementing a program for Sports Sponsors, Major Corporations who benefit from association with Sports. Basically the biggest Sponsors of Sports League, Teams and Organizations around the World. Those Sponsors who demand Corporate Responsibility of themselves and Responsibility of Sports League and Organizations will receive a huge host of Services completely Free of Charge.

This includes having the entire Florida Black Bears Global Network of Marketers, Support Personnel and Techies working to promote their Businesses. In addition they’ll receive Ad Placements on the Black Bears Football Bears Radio and Television Networks Free of Charge.

We are taking Sports away from those who debase it and we’re starting with Football. I hope the entire Galaxy of Tebow joins in that effort.